Wednesday 5 January 2011

and another one bites the dust

Another year over and I have been mulling over what 2011 may hold for me. Although customary for most, I seldom make new year's resolutions, and when I do, they are usually forgotten within a week or three.

I've begun to notice many people put too much store by what they vow at the advent of the new year. So much so, that failing to achieve their goals can be a cause of great anxiety and stress (pff-listen to me in shrink mode!). I think it much more realistic if you treat your 'resolutions' as a guide rather than the be all and end all. So what, if you vow to eat healthier but you polish off an entire pack of m&m's occasionally? The world isn't going to end. At least you know that you made the effort to look after yourself. Bearing that in mind, I will draft my set of guidelines to live this year by;

-take better care of myself, my family and the environment
-be more active, creatively speaking
-reconnect with family living in far off lands,
 AND most importantly
-do more of the things that make me happy!

I know that my list may seem rather ambiguous for the most part but I believe the final point is key to making sure I stick with it. Self-improvement is all well and good but not at the expense of having fun and being happy. After all, if your new year's resolutions are not going to contribute to your personal happiness quotient (where on earth did I hear that?)... then why bother!

happy new year!

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